Our newspaper is Muscovite on July 20 report (reporter Chen Xiaowi want modern dining chairsei, Lin Xuedan, Xie Yahong) Lou Jiwei of minister of Chinese Ministry of finance is in 20 daysG20norton internet antivirusMoney is long when in be being acceptethe best selling watch casesd with session of Central Bank president, square media is interviewed, say, believe without delegate attending the meeting Chinese economy is met hard-land.
Lou Jiwei expresses in conference speech, china economically half an year grows 7.6% , annual anticipates economy grows a target is 7.5% . Although add fast put delay somewhat, but obtain employment situation is pretty good. Increase town obtain employment newly first half of the year 7.32 million person, than last year the corresponding period adds 380 thousand personmodern dining chairs, this basically is profit from growth of obtain employment of service line of businenorth face shirtsss is rapidder. In the meantime, the contributive rate that only first half of the year outlet increases to economy is 0.9% , show Chinese economy growth needs inside main support, economic structurthe best selling modern dining chairse is in produce positive change. He thinks, chinese vigor is increasing, answer to economic progress of China confident.
Lou Jiwei expresses, chinese government will continue to promote economic growth and structural adjustment through reform. It is to reduce governmental control. Nearly a few months, chinese government already was divided batch cancel 165 to examine and approve item, still will roll out the 3rd batch. 2 it is to continue to advance business tax to change reform of value added tax. Chinese govfree watch caseernment will pass two brass faucetyears of time, the business tax that will serve industry is total instead value added tax, although finance income can reduce on certain level, but expand stimulative service line of business quickly. The process is here medium, chinese government achieves effort balafree norton internet antivirusnce of finance income and expenses. Expenditure also will be reduced while China is reducing tax this year, the run-of-mill defray that administration already decided will departmental door is cut down 5% , and not be patient of is exceptional. Maintain finance policy stability at the same time, chinese government will realize financial to be able to last through reform, finance deficit rate predicts to be 2.1% . Chinese government won't resemble rolling out large-scale economy to stimulate policy again in that way 2008, advance structural adjustment, town to change through reform however, produce the effect of the natural disposition inside the market better, stimulative growth and obtain employment. At the same time we meet what pay close attention to global economy closely go situation.
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(People's Daily)
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